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A lot of kids don’t like visiting the dentist. For one reason or another, getting your kids to our offices here in Lee’s Summit,Missouri may not always be the most pleasant experience.

If your visits to Summit Village Dental with your children are at all contentious, then it’s time for you to look at a few of our tips on how you can make a visit to the dentist a good, soothing experience for your children.

Start early

This can’t be overstated enough. The earlier you start your kids with regular dentist visits, the better. It’s recommended that when their first tooth appears, or at their first birthday, (whichever comes first) you take them in for a dental checkup.

This establishes the dentist as a regular, normal, healthy part of life and takes the fear of the sharp instruments out of a child’s mind.

Take your children along during your visit

If you missed the boat on taking your kids to the dentist early on in life, let them tag along on your first few visits before scheduling one for them. This will show them there’s nothing to be concerned about when at the office.

Keep your fears to yourself

If you don’t personally like the dentist, don’t mention that to your children. Keep your worries or anxieties to yourself so you don’t project any of that insecurity on your children.

We can’t wait to help you and your kids have a great experience with Dr. Jaclyn Turnbow.